OPA-APO League Information

OPA-APO Player Profiles

To help identify which level to play at for all OPA-APO Leagues, we have created player profiles for your reference.

If you are missing more than ONE skill at a level, choose the previous level. Skills are meant to be assessed in a real game situation against  players at the specified level and be replicated consistently within games and from game to game.

Entry level league play.

I serve the ball in the court 50% of the time.
I maintain a rally of 3 shots in a row.
I know the rules of pickleball and how to keep score.

I serve the ball in the court 60% of the time.
I maintain a rally of 5 shots in a row.
I almost never swing and miss.
I use both my forehand and backhand appropriately.
I handle moderately paced shots.
I move to the net whenever I get the chance.
I use the third shot drop on easy returns.
I try to dink as much as possible until the ball pops up high.

I serve and return the serve in the court 60% of the time in the back half of the court.
I try to use the third shot drop and have success 50% of the time.
I initiate and maintain a dinking rally of 5-10 shots in a game situation.
I sustain a volley exchange at the net.
I move to the net appropriately.
I have correct court positioning for doubles

I serve and return with depth or placement 80% of the time.
I use the third shot drop successfully 65% of the time.
I consistently dink with placement and purpose.
I sustain a rally and place the ball during a volley exchange.
I create and hit “gaps”.
I have good court coverage, quickness, mobility and balance.
I have a variety of finishing shots.
I anticipate my opponents shots.
I work strategically with my partner to regularly hit shots that set us up for success.
I can reset the ball and start a dink rally 60% of the time.
I understand proper shot selection and am reducing my low percentage shots.

I serve and return with accurate placement and depth 90% of the time.
My third shot drop and drive is strategically placed and effective 80% of the time.
I dink patiently with accuracy and strategic placement knowing when to use offensive and defensive dinks.
I control play at the net to keep my opponents deep.
I move effectively with my partner, easily switching sides and covering the court.
I handle fast exchanges at the net.
Fewer than 30% of rallies end because of my unforced errors.
I do not have a noticable weakness that can be exploited.
I know how to change from a fast paced game to a slow game and vice versa.
I keep the ball in play and am aware of minimizing errors

I serve with placement, power or spin 95% of the time.
I consistently hit an effective third shot drop, drill or spin shot 90% of the time.
I dink all day long with accuracy, spin and variety.
I purposely reset fast paced balls.
Fewer than 10% of rallies end because of my unforced errors.
I have excellent positioning, anticipation and mobility.
I can retrieve lobs and reset them to my advantage.
I have quick hands
I have good control from all court positions.
I understand pickleball strategies and can vary strategies based on opponents.
I am able to turn many defensive shots into offensive shots.


In the event there are not enough players signed up for a skills or league session, the session will be cancelled and registration fees paid will be refunded with no administration fee. As well, sessions cancelled by the OPA-APO due to unforeseen circumstances such as oversubscribed leagues, league closures, or gym/school closures, will be fully refunded  

Member’s refund requests will be subject to  $15 + HST administration fee if requests are for duplicate registrations in their cart for leagues/skills sessions or membership renewal, or for withdrawal from leagues/skill sessions without a valid reason. There will be no refunds for missed sessions.


Visiting Ottawa?

Visitors may request to participate in a league and may be invited to play, space permitting for a fee. Requests can be sent to LeaguePlay@OttawaPickleballAssociation.com.

All visitors must sign a waiver before playing in any OPA-APO event or session.

Download waiver English French.

League Coordinators Wanted

We are looking for coordinators for each of our leagues.

As a league coordinator, we would register you for your league FREE OF CHARGE as a thank you for your time.  If you are interested, please send an email to LeaguePlay@OttawaPickleballAssociation.com with “League Coordinator” in the heading. Please indicate the time and location of the league you wish to organize.

Responsibilities include:

  • Coordinate player attendance each week using the BenchApp software (it’s easy to use!)
  • Arrange for spares if required and collect payment from spares.
  • Manage the transport of the first aid kit, nets and balls to and from the venue. This may require meeting other league coordinators to share the nets.
  • Set up and take down the nets.
  • Organize play for your session.

Feedback, Questions or Concerns about our Leagues?

We are really working hard to make our members happy. This is a work in progress and we value your feedback. Please do not hesitate to contact the OPA-APO League Director at LeaguePlay@OttawaPickleballAssociation.com with your input.

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