OPA-APO Assessment Process 2024/2025

OPA-APO members value the opportunity to play at level. In the last two member surveys, playing at level was ranked first in importance. Assessments are key to ensuring that players are at appropriate levels. 

The OPA-APO Board has continually been working to improve the assessment process. Under the leadership of our Head Club Pro, we have assembled a team of trained assessors who will visit all the leagues and skills sessions to observe play to determine if players are at the appropriate level. 

There will be two rounds of assessments. One will take place at the beginning of the fall session, and the second at the beginning of the winter session.  

Below is key information on the assessment process, important dates, and responses to questions we have received in the past.

2024-25 Session Dates

Fall Register: Aug 12 – 18  Play: Sept 3, 2024 – Nov 24, 2024 (12 weeks)

Winter Register: Nov 10 – 16 Play:  Nov 25, 2024 – March 9, 2025 (13 weeks)

Spring Register: Feb 22 – 28 Play:  March 17, 2025 – May 30, 2025 (11 weeks)  

Who Will be Assessed?

In order to be assessed, members must:

  • be registered as a roster player (not a spare) in a league, clinic or skills session (this includes tournament prep and ladies league). 
  • be registered in their current colour and be assessed with everyone, to provide a fair assessment for all our members.

You are NOT guaranteed an assessment if:

  • You are only a spare. Spares may be assessed only if they happen to attend an assessment session.
  • You only play socials, mixed leagues, clinics or tournaments

When Will I be Assessed?

Assessments will occur in every league or skills session in the Fall and Winter, so there may be multiple opportunities for you to be assessed. You may be assessed more than once.

Members will not be advised on the specific date of an assessment. A time range of when the assessments will be completed is provided below.

There will be NO assessments during clinics, socials, mixed leagues and tournaments.

Players may be assessed at any time they are seen during OPA-APO play (except during socials, clinics, mixed leagues or tournaments). 

If you miss all assessment opportunities in the fall, you may get assessed in subsequent assessments during the winter. 

If you are not registered as a regular roster player for a league or skills session, you may not request special treatment by asking when the assessment team will be present.

Due to limited resources, the OPA-APO will only be providing two full rounds of assessments during the Fall and Winter.

Round 1

Sept 3rd Leagues start (Each venue has a different start date. See your BenchApp)

1A: Sept 16th – October 6th

Full assessments will be scheduled for all leagues and skills (not clinics, socials, tournaments or mixed leagues). 

Promotion letters will be sent out by October 10th.

1B: Oct 28 – Nov 10 

Evaluate players in Indigo sessions. Re-evaluate players not meeting the criteria and those players who have been promoted to the next level. 

Round 2

2A: Jan 6 – Jan 25

Full assessment of all leagues, including skills (not clinics). This includes members who are not meeting the criteria and those probationary moving-up players who missed the 1B assessment.

Promotion letters will be sent out by Jan 29th.

2B: Feb 27 onward

Reassess players not meeting the criteria and probationary moving up players.

Assessment Scenarios 

Assessments of players will fall into three categories:

  1. Members that are not meeting the requirements of the colour level. 
  2. Members that are at the correct colour level. 
  3. Members that exceed their current colour requirements and meet the criteria of the next level.

Scenario 1: Not at Level – player is not meeting the criteria of their level. 

–  Within a week of the “Round 1A” assessment, you will receive an assessment report from the Head Club Pro outlining the areas that require improvement. You will have approximately 3 weeks to work on these skills and will be assessed again during “Round 1B”, or the beginning of the next session. If, after the reassessment, you now meet the criteria of your level, you will remain at your current level. If not, you will immediately be moved to the next lower level. The OPA-APO Executive Director (ED) will contact you about refunds and registration in the new colour level.

– In the event that there is no space in the lower level, you will be provided the opportunity to spare until registration occurs for the next session.

Scenario 2: At Level – player is assessed to be meeting the criteria of their level.

– If you do not receive any communication within one week of the assessment, you remain at level.  Due to resource limitations a report card will not be sent to members who meet the criteria of their level.

Scenario 3: Exceeds Level – player meets the criteria of the next level. 

– At the conclusion of the assessment round, you will receive an email from the Head Club Pro indicating that you meet the criteria of the next level. Promotion letters will be sent on the dates noted above.

– Once you receive a “move-up” email, you may register for any available spot in the next colour level. If no roster spots are available, you may register as a spare. You may also continue to play at your existing colour and register for the higher colour in the next session.
– You will be given a minimum of 4 weeks “probation” to adjust to the new level. You will then be reassessed and if you do not meet the criteria of the higher level, you will immediately be moved back to your original level.  Results will be communicated as soon as possible, ideally within a week, so that refunds and re-registration may happen quickly.

Assessment FAQs 

Q.  I have played all summer and have taken clinics to advance my play. Can I get assessed earlier?

A. No. Assessments will happen at OPA-APO venues, starting in September when assessments can be applied fairly to all members who are registered to play in their specified colour league. 

Q. I do not want to register for a league as I know I am stronger than the players at my current colour level. May I get assessed?

A. No. You must register for a league or skill session in your current colour and be assessed with everyone to provide a fair assessment for all our members. If you are strong enough, our assessors will recommend a “move-up”. You are not guaranteed an assessment if you are a spare or playing only in socials, clinics, mixed leagues or tournaments.

Q. I did not play well on the one day that I was assessed. I play above level every other time. How can I get assessed again?

A. If you are registered in multiple leagues or skills sessions you may get assessed again during the assessment round.  If not, you will need to wait until the next round of assessments.

Q. I am always nervous when I’m being assessed.

A. Unfortunately the assessors are only able to assess what they see when they are present and all players have to perform under the same circumstances.  Perhaps taking more skills or clinics and more drilling can help to develop your confidence.

Q. Is it fair that I am being assessed with players who are at level or below level, when I am above level? 

A. Yes. The assessors are looking at the skill criteria of the colour level as well as observing those below and above.  If you are demonstrating the skills of the higher level, it will be observed.

Q. Some members are not interested in being assessed and do not put in extra effort when being assessed, whereas I am interested in moving to the next level. How can the assessors fairly evaluate my level?

A. The assessors have been trained to observe many games over the assessment session to ensure a balanced assessment is given against a variety of players.

Q. I missed the assessment as I was sick/out of town? When can I get assessed?

A. If you miss your assessment in one league or skills session, you may get assessed during the next assessment round. If you are registered in other leagues or skills, you will get assessed, as all leagues and skills sessions are being assessed.  You may not ask the ED to fit you in after a missed assessment.

Q. I’m content with my colour level. Can I opt out of assessments?

A. No. All players must be assessed to ensure they are meeting the criteria of their level.

Q. I do not agree with the assessment result. Who do I talk to?

A. Please email our ED (LeaguePlay@ottawapickleballassociation.com). The ED will ask the Head Pro or Assessor for input and will respond by phone or email to the member.

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