Paul’s Warmup

Here is a great warmup for your shots. Remember to warm up your body first before starting to hit balls. Spend a least 2 minutes for each drill (set a timer, do it longer if you have more time). Make sure each person has a goal or objective to focus the warmup and increase the intensity.

Walk, jump or skip around the court.
Wave your arms around, side to side (twist body gently) and up and down over your head.
Swing your legs (kick forward backward to warm up hips).
Squats (kneed bends up and down).
Hop side to side and front to back from one foot to the other (little hops eventually bigger ones).

Objective: keep balls low / unattackable
Indigo: Number of consecutive dinks
Blue and above: dink with purpose: three locations (forehand, “feet”, backhand) slow vs fast (shallow vs deep). Cross court (both sides) if time permits

Objective: try to keep balls between waist and shoulders, emphasize control
Indigo: Number of consecutive control volleys
Blue: Forehand to forehand consecutive volleys, backhand to backhand consecutive volleys
Green: Add forehand to backhand consecutive
Yellow and above: Add “figure 8”

GROUNDSTROKE to VOLLEY (block) (One person at NVZ, the other in back third of court /

Groundstrokes – try to keep balls between waist and shoulders, emphasize control
Volleys – try to get the ball “deep” back to groundstroker
Indigo/Blue: Number of consecutive groundstroke/volleys, forehand and backhand

Green and above: You could make this section longer by adding drops, and/or alternating
between drops and drives

Objective: warm up first three shots of game. Deep serve, deep return, unattackable drop (Remember: Serve and step back”, “Return and Run”)
Serve – Return – Third Shot. Repeat with other player (back and forth). Two minutes from
each side.

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